National Regulatory Commission
Harvard University
Pilgrim NPP
Lummus Consultants International
Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc.
NuScale Power
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Independent Systems Operator of New England
MGHPCC - Higher Performance Computing Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
ISO New England
Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw Pittman, LLC
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Engineering Planning & Managements, Inc.
DIAMO, státní podnik
Czech Power Authority
Temelín NPP
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Mystic Generating System
Nuclear Energy Institute
US Department of Energy
INI is organised on behalf of the International Atomic Energy (IAEA) in cooperation with the Government of the Czech Republic through the Czech Technical University in Prague and the Government of the United States of America through the University of Massachusetts Lowell.
CTU in Prague
Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague will be responsible for the first two weeks in Europe. In Czech Republic are situated 2 commercial NPPs and 3 research reactors - 2 at Nuclear Research Centre (NRC) Rez and 1 at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at the CTU. The NPP Temelín and the NRC Rez will be visited as well as the Czech uranium mining and processing facility. The research reactor at NRC Rez is used for irradiation experiments for many research groups from different fields.
UMass LowelL
The University of Massachusetts Lowell is public university with around 1100 faculty members and student enrollment of more than 16,000 students. UMass Lowell has a 1 MW GE open pool research reactor, a radiation detection laboratory and hot cell facilities that provide research and education opportunities for students with hands-on experience in nuclear engineering and health physics. UMass Lowell is within 2 hours from (1) three different commercial NPP: Seabrook, Pilgrim, and Millstone; (2) test reactor: MIT (5 MW); (3) industry leaders: CB&I (primary engineering company for 4 AP1000 reactor construction in US) and Canberra (detector manufacturing company); (4) Dry Cask spent fuel storage facility (Seabrook); (5) Decommissioned nuclear power plant (Connecticut/Maine Yankee) and soon to be shutdown reactor (Vermont Yankee).
The IAEA works for the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. Its key roles contribute to international peace and security, and to the world's Millennium Goals for social, economic and environmental development.